Wednesday 24 February 2010

Life so far

So I always wanted to do this, and share about my thoughts and life. I wont start from when I was born because that would be too long and would takes ages for me to type it ( I dont have that much time to spare either).

So I'll just start from 5 months ago when I started my MSc in Maths and Finance.
Already one third of the Master so far, and all I can say is that it is tough and hard. I got some moments, when I lost myself, but on overall I am enjoying it. It changes a lot from my undergrad, which was pretty easy to be honest (apart the last 3 months, which was such a pain).

I learned many new skills like programming in C++ and having to work hard (haha) all the time and not being lazy.

I met lot of good people in my course and in uni, makes a couple of good friends. It is very enjoyable to learn from their experience, because they all come from different uni and had different life, some even worked. So I am have a lot to learn from them and hopefully they can learn from me(but I doubt so, I have so few experience to share).

I have settled myself now in London. It was not easy at first, because I was not used to take the transport everyday. It takes me about 40 mins to get to uni, so I have to get up pretty early, which I am really not used to. Very different than before when I was living just 10 mins away from my department ( that was a perfect ). London pretty oki, I guess. It's definitely more busy than Manchester, and my hometown. Lot of things going on like Musicals and other events and many museums, so many that it is always hard to choose what to do. So always end up doing not much haha. I havent got time to explore all London, because of work , but will do when I will have more time. Actually I would have hoped more things going on, but I guess that's how is European cities.

Apart from my study, I am learning Mandarin again and started Japanese. I found out it is quite useful when you want to understand conversations Chinese people are saying. I managed to helped an old lady in the tube with my Mandarin as well, so I am pretty proud of myself haha. I am still quite bad with characters, but I guess I can have simple conversation. Hopefully one day I could speak fluently.

And oh, I started again Ultimate. It has become the highlight of my typical week, which really shows how depressing is my life: "work work work hahaha ". It was such a torture not to play it for 1.5 years. I was getting good when I played in my first year, but multiple injuries stopped my progression. Otherwise I would have been a much better player. The team is friendly and have some good players. I participated for the first time regionals indoor and outdoor with the second team and loved it. We didnt do good , but it is so great to play against the best players of the south-east of UK. I never got that chance in Manchester, so that was a great experience. I learned a lot about the game and improved myself. Still need lot of improvement, but Im getting closer to the level I was 3 years ago. I hope I could still continue to play while working.

So that's a quick summary of what happened, so much more to tell but not much time. Will try better though.

So far life's good, although too much work and sometimes I would like it to be more exciting, but I guess that's postgrad life is. Laters.

1 comment:

  1. en,,, still looking forward hearing u speaking mandarine ma. still hv time t explore london ma, dunnt worry. i assume we shd hv more free time in summer, also by then the weather is nicer t take a trip or do something interesting!

    Add oil . ^^
