Wednesday 24 February 2010

Mars or Human's insanity

Today I was reading an article about a project to go to our beloved neighbour planet called Mars, also known as "Red Planet". It was explaining about how they wanted to go there and makes experiments to know more about different aspects of science. But one point that catches my attention, it was when they were explaining how feasible it was to populate and live on Mars.

I was thinking that might be a great idea to do but why would we want to go to a place where there is no oxygen, where the temperatures are really extremes and where there is nothing there, apart two robots we've sent and perhaps little green men =_=;;;

The idea I am against was we want to go there because we know that our Earth wont last forever and that life would be hard on our home planet, because I am totally for making new experiments and getting forward in science. But if it is to go for the survival of our species then it would be just a mess.

Now suppose it is the end of the world, the last day of our life because of black holes, or the earth is too hot, not enough food or whatever. Everybody would want to get on a spacecraft and go to Mars. But unfortunately not everybody can. Then who will go there, certainly not the poor people or the sick ones. Maybe it would be like when a ship shrinks :"Women and children first", but I doubt so. Then who?? The rich and famous people, maybe they could pay whoever owns the spaceship, but money would have no value at that moment. It would actually be quite fun to see the desperation of the rich people to go there, since money would have no value. Politics might use their power to go but the people who own the spaceships could be greedy and not accept anyone apart their relatives. How about animals? How would we eat on Mars without animals or plants. I was thinking of taking only the chicken, since they can lay one egg everyday. Or maybe we could take the DNA of all animals and recreate them once on Mars. All in all that would be just a mess. What I will do if it is the end of the world, would be stay with my beloved ones and try to live as happy as we can our last day.

Therefore I still think it would be better try to save our own planet. We want to go in the middle of nowhere while we are already somewhere. There are so much problems on Earth that still can be solved such as global warming, conservation of species, unemployment, poverty, famine etc...
There are so much to do and so much we can do to make life better here. It is too easy if we want to escape all these, because in the end we would recreate the same problems that we have done here. Spending big money to do this, while we could do so much more and better things with it to help our people. Better try to save our present and what still can be saved, than thinking already about the end of the world.


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