Sunday, 12 June 2011

What to do?

Today, I have been thinking about my future and where do I go from where I am now. I have finished university and I have started a job a bit more than two months ago. I like my job and I did not think that it would have been possible to find a work like that when I was in university. But now I was thinking where do I go, what will be the future for me in the long term. It's been 5 years since I have come into the UK, and maybe I am getting a little bit too comfortable. Maybe I need to go and live in another country someday, maybe in 2 or 3 years. Maybe I should go out of my comfort zone and do something a bit crazy or untypical for me and my personality. It's quite hard to know at the moment. Beside my job, I do not do much, because I am so drained and tired. But I  know that I should make a better use of my time. Maybe I am getting lazy or too comfortable as I said. London can really make people comfortable and numb sometimes.

I remember when I was in middle school and high school, back in France, I would always want to do something exciting. I would always be thinking that in the future, I would do something out of my comfort zone. My job still requires me to do all that, but beside my job and in the long term what do I want to do, and what can I do. There are still a lot of questions unanswered, and it is not too easy to answer them. I can choose the easy life, and choose to stay how I am, just living the way I am, being comfortable. But I can choose to prepare the future and start doing something that could lead to something exciting, which can be a little bit crazy and brings me some adrenaline. I could start thinking about a long term project that I have, or try to learn and hone my skills in a new area, in which I could be very good at it.

It is very interesting how, when you are in your early 20s, hard it is to know what you want to do. There are so much possiblities, but most people stay in their comfort and lose the possibilities that they have when they are at this young age in their life. Everything is still possible now. But one day, you might realise that you would like to do something else of your life,  and it might be too late. It might be that your body do not follow your soul anymore, it might be that you have a family or a job that you can't leave.

I would need to decide what to do, and choose what I can do and be very good and so good at that thing, that it could be an alternative to a comfortable life. Otherwise it might be too late, and you won't realise it because time flies. It's time to make a choice. Making choices will always close some doors but it will open others. Life is all about making choices.

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